
Name Takeshi Takahashi
Address Tokyo, Japan
Cellphone +81 80 3490 2971
Email [firstname] [underbar] [familyname] [at]
Current Affiliation National Institute of Information and Communications Technology
Degree Ph.D. in Telecommunication (Waseda University, 2005)
Languages Japanese, English
Technical domains Cybersecurity, network protocols, and picture coding techniques
Major qualifications CISSP, PMP, TOEIC 980, 1st Grade of STEP English proficiency examination, Information Security Specialist Examination

My availability

If you need my time, feel free to contact me. The calendar below shows some of my schedule. If your google account has received some access right to some of my calenders, you may be able to see more detailed schedule of mine by logging into your google account.


  • International Standards, coming soon
  • Recent development of cybersecurity, coming soon
  • Basics of multimedia techniques, semeter finished
  • The Internet technologies, semeter finished
  • Information Security, semeter finished
  • Security Workshop, semeter finished


Journal Editorial Boards and Guest Editors

  • Digital Threats: Research and Practice, ACM, associate editor
  • International Journal of Information Security, Springer, guest editor
  • IEICE Transactions on Communications, IEICE, editorial board

Organizational/Steering Committee activities

  • IEICE MoMuC, committee member ('05.4 – '06.3)
  • IEICE Tokyo Section, Committee ('16.6 – '18.6)
  • IEEE COMSOC Tokyo Joint Chapter, Treasurer ('17.1 – '20.12)
  • Information Technology Standards Commission of Japan (ITSCJ) ISO/IEC SC29/WG1 Committee (’01.5 – ’03.3)
  • Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) Mile Working Group, Co-Chair
  • Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), Security Directorate
  • Internet Society Japan Chapter, Program Committee ('15.2 - '17.1)
  • Internet Society Japan Chapter (ISOC-JP) Internet Standardization Promotion Committee, chair ('17.2 -'18.1)
  • Internet Society Japan Chapter (ISOC-JP) IETF Publicity working group, vice chair
  • ITU-T Study Group 17 Question 6 Associate Rapporteur
  • The Telecommunication Technology Committee (TTC), Committee
  • Computer Security Symposium 2017, Executive Committee ('17)

Technical Program Comittees

  • Baltic Conference on Future Internet Communications, 2011 and 2012
  • Conference on Future Internet Communications 2013
  • Computer Security Symposium, 2014 and 2017
  • Publications

    Book Chapters

    1. B.Sun, T.Takahashi, L.Zhu, T.Mori, "Discovering Malicious URLs Using Machine Learning Techniques," Intelligent Systems Reference Library, 151, 33 - 60, Springer International Publishing, 2020. DOI:10.1007/978-3-030-38788-4_3
    2. T.Takahashi, T.Ban, "Android Application Analysis using Machine Learning Techniques," Intelligent Systems Reference Library, 181 - 205, Springer Nature Switzerland AG, 2019.DOI:10.1007/978-3-319-98842-9_7

    Peer-Reviewed Journals and Magazines

    1. C.Han, J.Shimamura, T.Takahashi, D.Inoue, J.Takeuchi, K.Nakao, "Real-Time Detection of Global Cyberthreat Based on Darknet by Estimating Anomalous Synchronization Using Graphical Lasso," IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, E103.D, IEICE, October, 2020.DOI:10.1587/transinf.2020EDP7076
    2. R.Iijima, S.Minami, Y.Zhou, T.Takehisa, T.Takahashi, Y.Oikawa, T.Mori, "Audio Hotspot Attack: An Attack on Voice Assistance Systems Using Directional Sound Beams and its Feasibility," IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing, IEEE, , 2019.DOI:10.1109/TETC.2019.2953041
    3. S.Nakagawa, T.Nagai, H.Kanehara, K.Furumoto, M.Takita, Y.Shiraishi, T.Takahashi, M.Mouri, Y.Takano, M.Morii, "Character-Level Convolutional Neural Network for Predicting Severity of Software Vulnerability from Only Vulnerability Description," IEICE Transaction, E102-D, IEICE, September, 2019.
    4. B.Sun, A.Fujino, T.Mori, T.Ban, T.Takahashi, D.Inoue, "Automatically Generating Malware Analysis Reports Using Sandbox Logs," IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, E101-D, 2622 - 2632, IEICE, November, 2018.DOI:10.1587/transinf.2017ICP0011
    5. T.Takahashi, B.Panta, Y.Kadobayashi, K.Nakao, "Web of Cybersecurity: Linking, Locating, and Discovering Structured Cybersecurity Information," International Journal of Communication Systems, Wiley, December, 2017.DOI:10.1002/dac.3470 [impact factor=1.066]
    6. K.Emura, A.Kanaoka, S.Ohta, T.Takahashi, "Establishing Secure and Anonymous Communication Channel: KEM/DEM-based Construction and Its Implementation," Journal of Information Security and Applications, Elsevier, February, 2017.DOI:10.1016/j.jisa.2016.12.001
    7. K.Emura, A.Kanaoka, S.Ohta, K.Omote, T.Takahashi, "Secure and Anonymous Communication Technique: Formal Model and its Prototype Implementation," IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing, 4, 88 - 101, IEEE, February, 2016.DOI:10.1109/TETC.2015.2400131
    8. J.Kannisto, T.Takahashi, J.Harju, S.Heikkinen, M.Helenius, S.Matsuo, B.Silverajan, "A Non-repudiable Negotiation Protocol for Security Service Level Agreements," International Journal of Communication Systems, 28, 2067 - 2081, Wiley, October, 2015.DOI:10.1002/dac.2856 [impact factor=1.099]
    9. T.Takahashi, Y.Kadobayashi, "Reference Ontology for Cybersecurity Operational Information," The Computer Journal, 58, 2297 - 2312, Oxford, October, 2015.DOI:10.1093/comjnl/bxu101 [impact factor=1.000]
    10. Y.Takano, R.Ando, S.Uda, T.Takahashi, T.Inoue, "The Ecology of DNS Open Resolvers," IEICE Transactions on Communications, J97-B, 873 - 889, IEICE, October, 2014.
    11. T.Takahashi, J.Harju, J.Kannisto, B.Silverajan, J.Harju, S.Matsuo, "Tailored security: building nonrepudiable security service level agreements," IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine, 8, 54 - 62, IEEE, July, 2013.DOI:10.1109/MVT.2013.2269188 [impact factor=1.567]
    12. D.Miyamoto, H.Hazeyama, Y.Kadobayashi, T.Takahashi, "Behind HumanBoost: Analysis of Users' Trust Decision Patterns for Identifying Fraudulent Websites," Journal of Intelligent Learning Systems and Applications, 4, 319 - 329, Scientific Research, November, 2012.DOI:10.4236/jilsa.2012.44033
    13. T.Takahashi, K.Asatani, J.Harju, H.Tominaga, "Proactive Handover Scheme based on Forwarding Router Discovery for Mobile IP Networks," IEICE Transactions on Communications, E88-B, 2718 - 2725, IEICE, July, 2005.DOI:10.1093/ietcom/e88-b.7.2718 [impact factor=0.348]
    14. T.Takahashi, T.Hanamura, H.Kasai, I.Nagayoshi, H.Tominaga, "Remultiplexing scheme for MPEG-2 multiprogram transport stream transcoder," Journal of Electronics and Communications in Japan Part1: Communications, 86-2, 1 - 13, Wiley\&Sons. Inc., October, 2002.DOI:10.1002/ecja.10066
    15. T.Takahashi, T.Hanamura, H.Kasai, I.Nagayoshi, H.Tominaga, "Re-multiplexing Scheme for MPEG-2 Multi-Program Transport Stream Transcoder," Journal of the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, J85-B, 299 - 311, IEICE, February, 2002.

    International Standards

    1. T.Takahashi, R.Danyliw, M.Suzuki, "JSON Binding of the Incident Object Description Exchange Format," Request for Comments 8727, Internet Engineering Task Force, August, 2020.DOI:10.17487/RFC8727
    2. T.Takahashi, "X.1541: Incident object description exchange format version 2," Recommendation ITU-T X.1541, ITU-T, September, 2017.
    3. T.Takahashi, K.Landfield, Y.Kadobayashi, "An Incident Object Description Exchange Format (IODEF) Extension for Structured Cybersecurity Information," Request for Comments 7203, Internet Engineering Task Force, April, 2014.DOI:10.17487/RFC7203
    4. T.Takahashi, Y.Kadobayashi, "Discovery mechanisms in the exchange of cybersecurity information," Recommendation ITU-T X.1570, ITU-T, September, 2011.
    5. H.Tian, H.Youm, T.Takahashi, "Usability of network traceback," Supplement 10, Recommendation ITU-T X.1205, ITU-T, September, 2011.
    6. S.Adegbite, I.Furey, Y.Kadobayashi, R.Martin, D.Rajnovic, G.Reid, T.Rutkowski, G.Schudel, T.Takahashi, "Overview of Cybersecurity information exchange (CYBEX)," Recommendation ITU-T X.1500, ITU-T, April, 2011.

    International Conferences

    1. P.Lo, J.Huo, H.Hsiao, B.Sun, T.Ban, T.Takahashi, "POSTER: Android IME Privacy Leakage Analyzer," The 41st IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy, IEEE, May, 2020.
    2. T.Wan, T.Ban, Y.Lee, S.Cheng, R.Isawa, T.Takahashi, D.Inoue, "IoT-Malware Detection Based on Byte Sequences of Executable Files," Asia Joint Conference on Information Security, IEEE, August, 2020.
    3. R.Hsu, Y. Wang, C.Fan, B.Sun, T.Ban, T.Takahashi, T.Wu, S.Kao, "A Privacy-Preserving Federated Learning System for Android Malware Detection Based on Edge Computing," Asia Joint Conference on Information Security, IEEE, August, 2020.
    4. T.Takahashi, C.Kruegel, G.Vigna, K.Yoshioka, D.Inoue, "Tracing and Analyzing Web Access Paths Based on User-Side Data Collection: How Do Users Reach Malicious URLs?," 23rd International Symposium on Research in Attacks, Intrusions and Defenses (RAID 2020), 93--106, USENIX Association, October, 2020.
    5. M.Aota, H.Kanehara, M.Kubo, N.Murata, B.Sun, T.Takahashi, "Automation of Vulnerability Classification from its Description using Machine Learning," IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications, 1--7, IEEE, July, 2020.DOI:10.1109/ISCC50000.2020.9219568
    6. T.He, C.Han, R.Isawa, T.Takahashi, S.Kijima, J.Takeuchi, K.Nakao, "A Fast Algorithm for Constructing Phylogenetic Trees with Application to IoT Malware Clustering," ICONIP, Springer, December, 2019.
    7. C.Han, J.Shimamura, T.Takahashi, D.Inoue, M.Kawakita, J.Takeuchi, K.Nakao, "Real-Time Detection of Malware Activities by Analyzing Darknet Traffic Using Graphical Lasso," IEEE TrustCom, IEEE, August, 2019.
    8. M.Aminanto, L.Zhu, T.Ban, R.Isawa, T.Takahashi, D.Inoue, "Combating Threat-Alert Fatigue with Online Anomaly Detection using Isolation Forest," International Conference on Neural Information Processing, Springer, December, 2019.
    9. M.Aminanto, L.Zhu, T.Ban, R.Isawa, T.Takahashi, D.Inoue, "Automated Threat-Alert Screening for Battling Alert Fatigue with Temporal Isolation Forest," PST, Springer, August, 2019.
    10. H.Kanehara, Y.Murakami, J.Shimamura, T.Takahashi, D.Inoue, N.Murata, "Real-Time Botnet Detection Using Nonnegative Tucker Decomposition," ACM Symposium On Applied Computing, ACM, April, 2019.DOI:10.1145/3297280.3297415
    11. B.Sun, T.Ban, S.Chang, Y.Sun, T.Takahashi, D.Inoue, "A Scalable and Accurate Feature Representation Method for Identifying Malicious Mobile Applications," ACM Symposium On Applied Computing, ACM, April, 2019.DOI:10.1145/3297280.3297396
    12. T.Takahashi, H.Kanehara, M.Kubo, N.Murata, D.Inoue, "Toward Automated Vulnerability Handling," Coordinating Attack Response at Internet Scale Workshop, Internet Society, February, 2019.
    13. T.Takahashi, Y.Tsuda, K.Suzuki, Y.Takagi, D.Inoue, "Toward Automated Threat Detection and Actuation," Coordinating Attack Response at Internet Scale Workshop, Internet Society, February, 2019.
    14. R.Ushigome, M.Suzuki, T.Ban, T.Takahashi, D.Inoue, T.Matsuda, M.Sonoda, "Establishing Trusted and Timely Information Source using Social Media Services," IEEE Consumer Communications and Network Conference, IEEE, January, 2019.DOI:10.1109/CCNC.2019.8651814
    15. S.Chang, Y.Sun, W.Chuang, M.Chen, B.Sun, T.Takahashi, "ANTSdroid:Using RasMMA Algorithm to Generate Malware Behavior Characteristics of Android Malware Family," IEEE Pacific Rim International Symposium on Dependable Computing, IEEE, December, 2018.
    16. L.Zhu, T.Ban, T.Takahashi, D.Inoue, "Employ Decision Value for Binary Soft Classifier Evaluation with Crispy Reference," The 25th International Conference on Neural Information Processing, Springer, December, 2018.
    17. R.Iijima, S.Minami, Z.Yunao, T.Takehisa, T.Takahashi, Y.Oikawa, T.Mori, "Poster: Audio Hotspot Attack: An Attack on Voice Assistance Systems Using Directional Sound Beams," ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security, ACM, October, 2018.DOI:10.1145/3243734.3278497
    18. C.Vorakulpipat, T.Takahashi, E.Rattanalerdnusorn, P.Thaenkaew, D.Inoue, "Usable and Secure Cloud-based Biometric Authentication Solution for IoT Devices," IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications, IEEE, June, 2018.DOI:10.1109/ISCC.2018.8538712
    19. S.Pang, L.Zhu, T.Ban, K.Ikeda, W.Zhang, A.Sarrafzadeh, T.Takahashi, D.Inoue, "Online Max-flow Learning via Augmenting and De-augmenting Path," International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, IEEE, July, 2018.
    20. T.Takahashi, D.Inoue, "Generating Software Identifier Dictionaries from Vulnerability Database," International Conference on Privacy, Security and Trust, Springer, December, 2016.DOI:10.1109/PST.2016.7906965
    21. T.Takahashi, T.Ban, C.Tien, C.Lin, D.Inoue, K.Nakao, "The Usability of Metadata for Android Application Analysis," The 23rd International Conference on Neural Information Processing, Springer, October, 2016.DOI:10.1007/978-3-319-46687-3_60
    22. T.Ban, T.Takahashi, S.Guo, D.Inoue, K.Nakao, "Integration of Multimodal Features for Android Malware Detection Based on Linear SVM," Asia Joint Conference on Information Security, 141 - 146, IEEE, August, 2016.DOI:10.1109/AsiaJCIS.2016.29
    23. T.Takahashi, D.Miyamoto, "Structured Cybersecurity Information Exchange for Streamlining Incident Response Operations," IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium, 949 - 954, IEEE, April, 2016.DOI:10.1109/NOMS.2016.7502931
    24. D.Miyamoto, R.Nakamura, T.Takahashi, Y.Sekiya, "Offloading smartphone firewalling using OpenFlow-capable wireless access points," IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communication Workshops, 1 - 4, IEEE, March, 2016.DOI:10.1109/PERCOMW.2016.7457060
    25. T.Takahashi, D.Miyamoto, K.Nakao, "Toward Automated Vulnerability Monitoring using Open Information and Standardized Tool," IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communication Workshops, 1 - 4, IEEE, March, 2016.DOI:10.1109/PERCOMW.2016.7457049
    26. T.Takahashi, T.Ban, T.Mimura, K.Nakao, "Fine-Grained Risk Level Quantification Schemes based on APK Metadata," The 22nd International Conference on Neural Information Processing, 663 - 673, Springer, November, 2015.DOI:10.1007/978-3-319-26555-1_75
    27. K.Emura, A.Kanaoka, S.Ohta, T.Takahashi, "A KEM/DEM-based Construction for Secure and Anonymous Communication," The 39th Annual International Computers, Software \& Applications Conference, 680 - 681, IEEE, July, 2015.DOI:10.1109/COMPSAC.2015.54
    28. M.Suzuki, D.Inoue, T.Takahashi, "Cross-Organizational Incident Information Sharing using a Darknet Monitoring System," Coordinating Attack Response at Internet Scale Workshop, Internet Architecture Board, June, 2015.
    29. T.Takahashi, K.Nakao, A.Kanaoka, "Data Model for Android Package Information and Its Application to Risk Analysis System," First ACM Workshop on Information Sharing and Collaborative Security, 71 - 80, ACM, November, 2014.DOI:10.1145/2663876.2663881
    30. J.Kannisto, J.Harju, T.Takahashi, "Digital Identities and Accountable Agreements in Web Applications," International Conference on Security and Management, 266 - 272, International Conference on Security and Management, July, 2014.
    31. Y.Takano, S.Ohta, T.Takahashi, R.Ando, T.Inoue, "MindYourPrivacy: Design and Implementation of a Visualization System for Third-Party Web Tracking," Annual Conference on Privacy, Security and Trust, 48 - 56, IEEE, July, 2014.DOI:10.1109/PST.2014.6890923
    32. T.Takahashi, J.Kannisto, J.Harju, A.Kanaoka, Y.Takano, S.Matsuo, "Expressing Security Requirements: Usability of Taxonomy-based Requirement Identification Scheme," IEEE World Congress on Services, 121 - 128, IEEE, June, 2014.DOI:10.1109/SERVICES.2014.31
    33. T.Takahashi, Y.Kadobayashi, "Mechanism for Linking and Discovering Structured Cybersecurity Information over Networks," IEEE International Conference on Semantic Computing, 279 - 284, IEEE, June, 2014.DOI:10.1109/ICSC.2014.66
    34. K.Emura, A.Kanaoka, S.Ohta, T.Takahashi, "Building Secure and Anonymous Communication Channel: Formal Model and its Prototype Implementation," ACM Symposium On Applied Computing, 1641 - 1648, ACM, March, 2014.DOI:10.1145/2554850.2554879
    35. D.Miyamoto, T.Takahashi, "Toward Automated Reduction of Human Errors based on Cognitive Analysis," International Workshop on Advances In Information Security, 820 - 825, IEEE, July, 2013.DOI:10.1109/IMIS.2013.147
    36. T.Takahashi, J.Kannisto, J.Harju, S.Heikkinen, M.Helenius, S.Matsuo, B.Silverajan, "Accountable Security Mechanism Based on Security Service Level Agreement," IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications, 404 - 410, IEEE, July, 2013.DOI:10.1109/ISCC.2013.6754980
    37. T.Takahashi, K.Emura, A.Kanaoka, S.Matsuo, T.Minowa, "Risk Visualization and Alerting System: Architecture and Proof-of-Concept Implementation," International Workshop on Security in Embedded Systems and Smartphones, 3 - 10, ACM, May, 2013.DOI:10.1145/2484417.2484421
    38. T.Takahashi, J.Kannisto, B.Silverajan, J.Harju, M.Helenius, S.Matsuo, "An Accountable Security Mechanism in Light of Security Service Level Agreement," Wireless World Research Forum, WWRF, April, 2013.
    39. T.Takahashi, Y.Kadobayashi, Y.Takano, "Linking Cybersecurity Knowledge: Cybersecurity Information Discovery Mechanism," Annual Computer Security Applications Conference poster session, ACSAC, December, 2012.
    40. E.Moriyama, T.Takahashi, "DNS-based Defense Against IP Spoofing Attacks," The 19th International Conference on Neural Information Processing, 599 - 609, LNCS, November, 2012.DOI:10.1007/978-3-642-34500-5_71
    41. T.Minowa, T.Takahashi, "Secure Distributed Storage for Bulk Data," The 19th International Conference on Neural Information Processing, 566 - 575, LNCS, November, 2012.DOI:10.1007/978-3-642-34500-5_67
    42. T.Takahashi, J.Kannisto, S.Heikkinen, B.Silverajan, M.Helenius, S.Matsuo, J.Harju, "An Architecture of Accountable Security in Light of Security Service Level Agreement," Wireless World Research Forum, WWRF, October, 2012.
    43. T.Takahashi, S.Matsuo, A.Kanaoka, K.Emura, Y.Takano, "Visualization of user's end-to-end security risks," Symposium On Usable Privacy and Security, poster session, SOUPS, June, 2012.
    44. S.Matsuo, A.Kanaoka, T.Takahashi, T.Minowa, "Prototype System for Visualizing Security Risks on Mobile Device," Symposium On Usable Privacy and Security, demo session, SOUPS, June, 2012.
    45. T.Takahashi, G.Blanc, Y.Kadobayashi, D.Fall, H.Hazeyama, S.Matsuo, "Enabling Secure Multitenancy in Cloud Computing: Challenges and Approaches," Baltic Conference on Future Internet Communications, 72 - 79, IEEE, April, 2012.DOI:10.1109/BCFIC.2012.6217983
    46. T.Takahashi, Y.Kadobayashi, K.Nakao, "Toward Global Cybersecurity Collaboration: Cybersecurity Operation Activity Model," Kaleidoscope, 1 - 8, IEEE, December, 2011.
    47. B.Tao, C.Zhang, S.Abe, T.Takahashi, Y.Kadobayashi, "Mining Interlacing Manifolds in High Dimensional Spaces," The 26th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, 942 - 949, ACM, March, 2011.DOI:10.1145/1982185.1982392
    48. T.Takahashi, H.Hazeyama, D.Miyamoto, Y.Kadobayashi, "Taxonomical Approach to the Deployment of Traceback Mechanisms," Baltic Conference on Future Internet Communications, 13 - 20, IEEE, February, 2011.DOI:10.1109/BCFIC-RIGA.2011.5733214
    49. T.Takahashi, Y.Kadobayashi, H.Fujiwara, "Ontological Approach toward Cybersecurity in Cloud Computing," International Conference on Security of Information and Networks, 100 - 109, ACM, September, 2010.DOI:10.1145/1854099.1854121
    50. T.Takahashi, H.Fujiwara, Y.Kadobayashi, "Building Ontology of Cybersecurity Operational Information," Cyber Security and Information Intelligence Research Workshop, 1 - 4, ACM, April, 2010.DOI:10.1145/1852666.1852756
    51. T.Takahashi, K.Asatani, H.Tominaga, "Multicast Source Handover Scheme based on Proxy Router Discovery," IEEE/CreateNet International Conference on Broadband Networks, 805-812, IEEE, October, 2005.DOI:10.1109/ICBN.2005.1589690
    52. K.Dobashi, T.Takahashi, H.Tominaga, "Adaptive MAC protocol for high-load inter-vehicle communication," IEEE Interrnational Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications, 138 - 145, IEEE, August, 2005.DOI:10.1109/WIMOB.2005.1512896
    53. Y.Shudo, T.Takahashi, K.Asatani, H.Tominaga, "A Framework of a Transcoder Controlling Scheme over Multicast Networks," Asia-Pacific Conference on Communications, 464 - 468, IEEE, August, 2005.DOI:10.1109/APCC.2005.1554102
    54. H.Tashiro, K.Dobashi, T.Takahashi, K.Asatani, H.Tominaga, "A Framework of Real-Time CSMA Protocol for Inter-Vehicle Communications," International Conference on Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) Telecommunications, June, 2005.
    55. T.Takahashi, K.Asatani, H.Tominaga, "A Routing-Aware Handover Scheme for Mobile IP," IEEE International Conference on Communications, 1400 - 1406, IEEE, May, 2005.DOI:10.1109/ICC.2005.1494575
    56. T.Takahashi, K.Asatani, H.Tominaga, "Multicast Receiver Mobility over Mobile IP Networks based on Forwarding Router Discovery," International Conference on Networking, 859 - 867, April, 2005.DOI:10.1007/978-3-540-31957-3_97
    57. T.Takahashi, J.Harju, K.Asatani, H.Tominaga, "Inter-domain Handover Scheme based on Forwarding Router Discovery for Mobile IP Networks," IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference, 1409 - 1414, IEEE, March, 2005.DOI:10.1109/WCNC.2005.1424722
    58. T.Takahashi, M.Tammi, H.Vatiainen, R.Lehtonen, J.Harju, "Implementation and Performance Evaluation of Multicast Control Protocol," IEEE International Symposium on Computers and Communications, 1038 - 1043, IEEE, June, 2004.DOI:10.1109/ISCC.2004.1358677
    59. T.Takahashi, J.Harju, H.Tominaga, "Handover management in wireless systems based on buffering and signaling," EUNICE Open European Summer School and IFIP Workshop on Next Generation Networks, September, 2003.
    60. T.Takahashi, J.Harju, H.Tominaga, "Layer 3 handover management based on buffering algorithm," Joint Workshop on Mobile Multimedia Communications, July, 2003.
    61. T.Takahashi, A.Nakagawa, K.Sakai, K.Matsuda, H.Tominaga, "Adoption of Dynamic Resolution Conversion Scheme for Low-delay MPEG-4 Communication System," Asia-Pacific Conference on Communications, September, 2002.
    62. T.Takahashi, H.Kasai, T.Hanamura, H.Tominaga, "Packet-multiplexing Scheme in MPEG-2 multi-program Transport Stream Transcoder," IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, 4178, IEEE, May, 2002.DOI:10.1109/ICASSP.2002.5745636
    63. T.Takahashi, H.Kasai, T.Hanamura, H.Tominaga, "Implementation of MPEG-2 Multi-Program Transport Stream Transcoder," Proceedings of International Workshop on Advanced Image Technology, January, 2002.
    64. T.Takahashi, H.Kasai, T.Hanamura, M.Sugiura, H.Tominaga, "MPEG-2 Multi-Program Transport Stream Transcoder," IEEE International Conference on Multimedia \& Expo, 423 - 426, IEEE, August, 2001.DOI:10.1109/ICME.2001.1237747

    Technical Reports and Magazines

    1. T.Takahashi, K.Furumoto, C.Han, "Boosting Cybersecurity with Machine Learning Techniques," 情報処理, 情報処理学会, June, 2020.
    2. T.Takahashi, "Toward Automation of Cybersecurity Operations using Machine-Learning Technologies," NICT News, NICT, March, 2018.
    3. T.Takahashi, "Using Machine Learning Techniques toward Security Operation Automation (translated)," Journal of the ITU Association of Japan, ITUAJ, March, 2018.
    4. T.Takahashi, "Building security knowledge by standardizing interfaces and data models," NICT Journal, NICT, August, 2016.
    5. T.Takahashi, "Automated vulnerability information distribution system for IT assets on networks," NICT Journal, NICT, August, 2016.
    6. T.Takahashi, "Risk management and evaluation system for smart phone applications," NICT Journal, NICT, August, 2016.
    7. T.Takahashi, "Description and negotiation techniques for establishing security service level agreements," NICT Journal, NICT, August, 2016.
    8. T.Takahashi, "International standardization activities that enables global collaboration beyond country boarders," IEICE communicadtion society magazine, IEICE, March, 2013.
    9. T.Takahashi, "Design and Prototype Implementation of Risk Visualization System," NICT News, NICT, September, 2012.
    10. T.Takahashi, "Overview of the cybersecurity information exchange framework and its current status," Nikkan Kogyo IT solution, The Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun, April, 2012.
    11. T.Takahashi, Y.Kadobayashi, "Cybersecurity Information Exchange Techniques: Cybersecurity Information Ontology and CYBEX," Journal of the National Institute of Information and Communications Technology, NICT, March, 2012.
    12. T.Takahashi, "Recommendation ITU-T X.1500: Cybersecurity Information Exchange Framework," Journal of the ITU Association of Japan, ITUAJ, February, 2012.
    13. T.Takahashi, Y.Kadobayashi, "Cybersecurity Information Exchange Techniques: Information Ontology and CYBEX," NICT Journal, NICT, December, 2011.
    14. A.Rutkowski, Y.Kadobayashi, I.Furey, D.Rajnovic, R.Martin, T.Takahashi, C.Schultz, G.Reid, G.Schudel, M.Hird, S.Adegbite, "CYBEX - The Cybersecurity Information Exchange Framework (X.1500)," ACM CCR technical note, 40, 59 - 64, ACM, October, 2010.DOI:10.1145/1880153.1880163
    15. T.Takahashi, "Cybersecurity Information Exchange Framework : Toward the Improved Global Cybersecurity," NICT News, NICT, September, 2010.

    Web Magazines

    1. T.Takahashi, "IETF 103 report: CACAO and SMART," JPNIC News \& Views, December, 2018.
    2. T.Takahashi, "IETF 100 report: SUIT updates IoT software," JPNIC News \& Views, December, 2017.
    3. Y.Tochio, T.Takahashi, K.Nishizuka, "Protocols and security for further IoT developments," INTERNET Watch, November, 2017.
    4. T.Takahashi, "Beyond information exchanges: automating security operations," INTERNET Watch, October, 2017.
    5. T.Takahashi, "Data structures and protocols for sharing information among organizations," INTERNET Watch, October, 2017.
    6. Y.Tochio, T.Takahashi, K.Nishizuka, "IETF celebrates its 30th anniversary. Prominent activities are found in the area of IoT techniques and transport layer techniques," INTERNET Watch, April, 2017.
    7. T.Takahashi, T.Ban, "Android Security: malware detection and vulnerability identification techniques for Android applications," atmark IT, March, 2016.
    8. T.Takahashi, "Android Security: elaboration from applications to user viewpoints," atmark IT, March, 2016.
    9. T.Takahashi, H.Takechi, Y.Kadobayashi, "Future of Cybersecurity Operations," atmark IT, December, 2010.
    10. T.Takahashi, H.Takechi, Y.Kadobayashi, "Five blocks composing CYBEX, in a nut shell," atmark IT, November, 2010.
    11. T.Takahashi, H.Takechi, Y.Kadobayashi, "New Security Standard Advancing Collaboration beyond National Borders," atmark IT, October, 2010.

    Domestic Workshops

    1. I.Shimada, T.Oota, K.Shiraishi, J.Nakajima, S.Tanaka, A.Yamada, T.Takahashi, "A Case Study of Malicious Web Page Access by Tracking Redirection," IPSJ SIG Technical Report, IPSJ, March, 2020.
    2. K.Furumoto, R.Isawa, T.Takahashi, D.Inoue, "Malware Analysis Method Using Conditional Generative Adversarial Network ," Technical Report of IEICE, IEICE, November, 2018.
    3. S.Nakagawa, T.Nagai, H.Kanehara, K.Furumoto, M.Takita, Y.Shiraishi, T.Takahashi, M.Mouri, Y.Takano, M.Morii, "Severity estimation of vulnerability notes with machine learning techniques," Technical Report of IEICE, IEICE, November, 2018.
    4. R.Iijima, S.Minami, Y.Zhou, T.Takehisa, T.Takahashi, Y.Oikawa, T.Mori, "An Attack on Voice Assistance Systems Using Separated Ultrasonic Beams and Defense Model," CSS, IPSJ, October, 2018.
    5. H.Kanehara, Y.Murakami, J.Shimamura, T.Takahashi, N.Murata, D.Inoue, "Real-time Botnet Detection Using Nonnegative Tucker Decomposition," Technical Report of IEICE, IEICE, July, 2018.
    6. K.Furumoto, T.Takahashi, R.Isawa, D.Inoue, "A Study on Extraction Method of Characteristics of Malware Using Generative Adversalial Networks," Technical Report of IEICE, IEICE, June, 2018.
    7. R.Ushigome, T.Matsuda, M.Sonoda, T.Takahashi, M.Suzuki, J.Chao, "A consideration on the possibility of automatic classifying for anomalous posts on Twitter," Technical Report of IEICE, IEICE, June, 2018.
    8. C.Han, J.Shimamura, T.Takahashi, D.Inoue, M.Kawakita, J.Takeuchi, K.Nakao, "A Study on Malware Activity Detection Based on Real-time Analysis of Darknet Data Using Graphical Lasso," Technical Report of IEICE, IEICE, March, 2018.
    9. T.Takahashi, T.Ban, T.Mimura, K.Nakao, "Studies on Risk Level Evaluation Schemes using APK Metadata," Computer Security Symposium, IPSJ, October, 2015.
    10. T.Takahashi, D.Miyamoto, B.Panta, K.Nakao, "A study on a Tool for Automated Vulnerability Monitoring and Alerting on Software Assets inside Organizations," Technical Report of IEICE, IEICE, June, 2015.
    11. T.Takahashi, T.Mimura, K.Nishida, K.Nakao, "A Study on Risk Quantification Techniques for Android Applications with Category Information," Technical Report of IEICE, IEICE, March, 2015.
    12. K.Emura, A.Kanaoka, S.Ohta, K.Omote, T.Takahashi, "A Secure and Anonymous Communication Protocol and its PrototypeImplementation," DICOMO, DICOMO, July, 2014.
    13. T.Takahashi, Y.Takano, K.Nakao, S.Ohta, A.Kanaoka, S.Sakane, S.Matsuo, "A Risk Evaluation Framework for Android Terminal and its Prototype Implementation," The 31st Symposium on Cryptography and Information Security, IEICE, January, 2014.
    14. Y.Takano, R.Ando, T.Takahashi, T.Inoue, S.Uda, "A Measurement Study of Open Resolvers and DNS Server Version," Internet Conference 2013, IEICE, October, 2013.
    15. G.Ramirez Caceres, Y.Murakami, K.Zettsu, T.Takahashi, S.Matsuo, "Towards Provenance-Based Security Risk Assessment," Technical Report of IEICE, IEICE, March, 2013.
    16. T.Takahashi, Y.Kadobayashi, Y.Takano, "A Study on Cybersecurity Information Discovery Mechanisms over the Internet," Technical Report of IEICE, IEICE, July, 2012.
    17. S.Matsuo, A.Kanaoka, T.Takahashi, S.Miwa, T.Minowa, "Visualization for Risk Evaluation and Grand Design for Architecture of Adequate Security," Technical Report of IEICE, IEICE, July, 2012.
    18. A.Kanaoka, T.Takahashi, "Workshop on Usable Security (USEC12) Report," IPSJ workshop, IPSJ, May, 2012.
    19. T.Takahashi, G.Blanc, Y.Kadobayashi, D.Fall, H.Hazeyama, S.Matsuo, "Multitenant Cloud Computing: Security Challenges and Approaches," Technical Report of IEICE, IEICE, November, 2011.
    20. T.Takahashi, Y.Kadobayashi, H.Fujiwara, "Ontological Approach Toward Cybersecurity in Cloud Computing," Technical Report of IEICE, IEICE, November, 2010.
    21. T.Takahashi, Y.Kadobayashi, H.Fujiwara, "Building Ontology of Cybersecurity Operational Information," Technical Report of IEICE, IEICE, July, 2010.
    22. K.Arasaki, T.Takahashi, K.Asatani, H.Tominaga, "Routing-Aware Handover for IP Multicasting based on Forwarding Router Discovery," Technical Report of IEICE, IEICE, January, 2007.
    23. K.Arasaki, T.Takahashi, Y.Shudo, H.Tominaga, "Mobile IP Communication based on the Control over Cellular Networks," Technical Report of IEICE, IEICE, March, 2006.
    24. M.Ito, T.Takahashi, H.Tashiro, K.Asatani, H.Tominaga, "A Route Optimization in Consideration of Handover in Nested Mobile Network," Technical Report of IEICE, IEICE, January, 2006.
    25. T.Takahashi, K.Arasaki, K.Asatani, H.Tominaga, "Multicast Receiver Mobility over Mobile IP Networks Based on Forwarding Router Discovery," Technical Report of IEICE, IEICE, November, 2005.
    26. Y.Shudo, T.Takahashi, K.Asatani, H.Tominaga, "Transcoder Controlling Scheme over Multicast Networks," Technical Report of IEICE, IEICE, July, 2005.
    27. T.Takahashi, Y.Shudo, K.Asatani, H.Tominaga, "A Routing-Aware Handover Scheme over Mobile IP Networks," Technical Report of IEICE, IEICE, May, 2005.
    28. H.Tashiro, K.Dobashi, T.Takahashi, H.Tominaga, "A Framework of Non-persistent CSMA Protocol for Inter-Vehicle Communications," Technical Report of IEICE, IEICE, May, 2005.
    29. Y.Shudo, T.Takahashi, K.Asatani, H.Tominaga, "A Framework of a Transcoder Controlling Scheme over Multicast Networks," Technical Report of IEICE, IEICE, March, 2005.
    30. T.Takahashi, H.Tominaga, "Handover Management based on Forwarding Router Discovery Scheme," Technical Report of IEICE, IEICE, July, 2004.
    31. T.Takahashi, H.Tominaga, "Framework of Multicast controlling scheme over Mobile IP network," Technical Report of IEICE, IEICE, June, 2004.
    32. H.Miyoshi, T.Takahashi, A.nakagawa, K.Matsuda, H.Tominaga, "Context-based motion vector coding with 2-Dimensional VLC," Technical Report of IEICE, IEICE, July, 2002.
    33. T.Takahashi, A.nakagawa, K.Sakai, K.Matsuda, H.Tominaga, "Efficiency of Dynamic Resolution Conversion Scheme in MPEG-4 Low-delay Communication System," Technical Report of IEICE, IEICE, January, 2002.
    34. T.Takahashi, T.Hanamura, H.Tominaga, "Implementation of Packet-multiplexing scheme in MPEG-2 multi-program Transport Stream Transcoder," AVM study group workshop of IPSJ, IPSJ, June, 2001.
    35. T.Takahashi, T.Hanamura, H.Tominaga, "Implementation of Packet-multiplexing scheme in MPEG-2 multi-program Transport Stream Transcoder," Technical Report of IEICE, IEICE, April, 2001.
    36. T.Takahashi, T.Hanamura, H.Kasai, M.Sugiura, H.Tominaga, "Packet-multiplexing scheme in MPEG-2 multi-program Transport Stream Transcoder," Technical Report of IEICE, IEICE, March, 2001.


    1. T.Takahashi, Y.Kadobayashi, "Ontological Approach toward Cybersecurity in Cloud Computing ," ITU-T workshop, December, 2010.
    2. T.Takahashi, "Real-Time Communication Architecture in Mobile Environments," Doctoral thesis at Waseda University Japan, Waseda University, February, 2005.
    3. A.Nakagawa, T.Takahashi, "Context-based motion vector coding with 2-Dimensional VLC," Joint Video Team of ISO/IEC MPEG\&ITU-T VCEG, 3rd Meeting: Fairfax, Virginia, USA, JVT-C097, ISO/IEC, ITU-T, May, 2002.
    4. T.Takahashi, "Research of realtime application for next generational multimedia communication : Transcoding, Low-delay, and high-compression," Master thesis at Waseda University Japan, Waseda University, September, 2002.
    5. T.Hanamura, H.Tominaga, T.Takahashi, I.Nagayoshi, "Remultiplexing scheme for MPEG-2 multiprogram transport stream transcoder," patent, P2001-79216, March, 2001.
    6. T.Takahashi, "Packet-multiplexing scheme in MPEG-2 multi-program Transport Stream Transcoder," Graduation thesis at Waseda University Japan, Waseda University, February, 2001.