My favorite maxims |
We are each of us angels with only one wing. And we can fly only by embracing each other. (Luciano de Crescenzo)
You have to be first, best, or different (by Loretta Lynn)
First Things First (by Rudolph W. Giuliani)
I am responsible (by Rudolph W. Giuliani)
Be proactive (by Stephen R. Covey)
Begin with the End in Mind (by Stephen R. Covey)
Put First Things First (by Stephen R. Covey)
Think Win-Win (by Stephen R. Covey)
Seek First to Understand, Then to be Understood (by Stephen R. Covey)
Synergize (by Stephen R. Covey)
Sharpen the Saw (by Stephen R. Covey)
- The only move is not to play ("WarGames", a film in 1983)
- Japanese Proverb : Shi Ha ONoRe Wo ShiRu MoNo No TaMe Ni ShiSu / 士は己を知る者の為に死す
( A man of high ethics will give his life to those who can appreciate it)